
Zygorithm published 4 applications on Google Play, 1,497 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.88!

RGB Matrix by ZygorithmRGB Matrix

Rated 0.00(0) — Zygorithm

You have 60 seconds. Mix the three base colors of LEDs, red, green, and blue, in a 3x3 matrix and try to get the highest score! You can add and subtract colors to make for all sorts of unique combinations. At a minute per game, it's hours of fun.

Stand Alone Realm by ZygorithmStand Alone Realm

Rated 5.00(2) — Zygorithm

Explore the mysteries of the Ascendant Plane as Alice. Solve combinatoric puzzles all the while dealing with the 4 Divine Lords. A delightfully minimalist world, and an infinitely intriguing journey. This demo contains the first 4 chapters of the game...

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Sirius Voice (English) by ZygorithmSirius Voice (English)

Rated 2.80(1,421) — Zygorithm

Sirius. It's a simple way to do voice commands. There is a defined list of commands rather than natural language but it executes the commands without ambiguity.*This is for US english only! Other languages or accents may not register.

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TV Tube (formerly Androvision) by ZygorithmTV Tube (formerly Androvision)

Rated 3.72(74) — Zygorithm

An app that organizes and collects web apps of TV channels. Your favorite channels pop up as soon as you open the app! Select from a variety of channels to add to favorites.Search the web for videos and see what's popular.

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