yutaozhao - Android Applications by yutaozhao
OD 500 is a highly intelligent product of AutoMaticLife tech co.,ltd.It combines OBD2 function and tire pressure monitoring function.It can help you to detect vehicle failure,convenient fast and efficient test tyre situation,paying attention to your...
Free AppCARAPP T300 is a car diagnosis and entertainment tool.You can use it to detect horsepower toque and power of the car,testing car's capability and analyze your travel,reading and clearing trouble code ,sharing data to friends and so on.Use it,you driving..
Free AppCARAPP OT100 is a highly intelligent product of Autophix tech co.,ltd.It combines OBD2 function and tire pressure monitoring function.It can help you to detect vehicle failure,convenient fast and efficient test tyre situation,paying attention to your...
Free AppCARAPP V200 is working with Android and android system. Smart phone specially designed for car owners or DIYs.Quicky retrieves vehicle Diagnostic Trouble Codes and other vehicle security information.Displays real time oil consumption data,helps lowering..
Free AppHAMRON CARAPP is a car diagnosis and entertainment tool.You can use it to detect horsepower toque and power of the car,testing car's capability and analyze your travel,reading and clearing trouble code ,sharing data to friends and so on.Use it,you driving
Free AppV100是一款行车伴侣,可通过安卓系统的智能手机,利用蓝牙与车载终端通讯完成对支持OBDII车辆的读故障码、清除故障码、油耗测试(实时信息)车辆管理、夜间模式等工作,并对驾驶中的不安全行为进行语音报警提示。本产品采用蓝牙无线通讯技术,软件搭载手机触控操作体验,让技术和使用完美结合。逼真的虚拟仪表显示,满足了车主想深入了解爱车的心理;行驶中的传感器参数简单易用;油耗测试,让车主驾驶更经济环保;对一段旅行进行行程分析,让驾驶更有乐趣;如果超速或疲劳驾驶或轮胎压力过高,温度过高,还有语音报警提示,让车主的驾驶更
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