Yurii Shevchenko - Android Applications by Yurii Shevchenko
Поддержка русского языка.Application Cardio-Spirograph with built-in mobile device accelerometer detects vibrations of the human body, due to the work of the heart and respiration. Analyzes intervals of heart rate, respiratory phases...
$3.06The application reads (scans) the selected area of the ECG and calculates the basic parameters of the ECG:• HR; • waves amplitudes P, Q, R, S, T;• intervals RR, PQ, QRS, QT, QTс;• the position of the segment ST. The app draws the selected area...
Free AppMathematical modeling parameters of hemodynamics:- Blood pressure (BP),- HR,- the size of the Left Atrium (LA),- End-diastolic left ventricular volume (EDV),- End-systolic volume of the left ventricle (ESV),- Stroke Volume (SV),- Mean Pulmonary Artery...
Free AppСпециалисты выделяют 10 примеров наиболее распространенных ДТП.Знание представленных в приложении опасных дорожных ситуаций позволит избежать...
Free AppThe application reads (scans) selected sections of leads, calculates wave amplitudes and intervals, and makes ECG analysis.• Deviation of the electrical axis of the heart.• Sinus or ectopic rhythm.• Signs of cardiac hypertrophy.• Presence of...
$4.09The teaching and gaming multimedia form simulated emergency cardiological conditions: - Hypertensive crisis, - Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) without elevation ST, - ACS with elevation ST, complete LBBB, - Pulmonary edema, - Cardiogenic shock, - Pulmonary
$2.43Experts identify number of examples of the most common accidents.Knowledge of common dangerous situation on the road presented in this application should help to avoid troubles on the road.In the application of animated cars create traffic accidents.Black
$1.17После запуска приложения проведите по экрану и перейдите на следующую страницу. Отметьте данные пациента: длительность болевого синдрома...
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