
Yoolichka published 2 applications on Google Play, 3 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.34!

ConCalc Concurrent Calculator by YoolichkaConCalc Concurrent Calculator

Rated 0.00(0) — Yoolichka

A very simple calculator that has a single unique feature over most others. It allows you to see multiple results simultaneously, even as you type a number. For example, you can use it to show unit conversions, sales commissions, multiple rate discounts..

ConCalc Free Calculator by YoolichkaConCalc Free Calculator

Rated 4.67(3) — Yoolichka

A free version of ConCalc (concurrent calculator). It does everything the paid version does except for saving your changes.A very simple calculator that has a single unique feature over most others. It allows you to see multiple results simultaneously...

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