YmaBytsApps - Android Applications by YmaBytsApps
Hogysem tíz barátot szerezzek képmutatással, inkább szerzek őszinteségemmel száz ellenséget. - Petőfi Sándor Famous Quotes and Sayings in Hungarian that can be used to learn, test your grammar, improve and practice your French Language Skills...
Free AppFamous Authors, Motivating Quotations, Positive People Thoughts, Creative Sayings and Inspiring Ideas to feed your mind. Select your favorite Author to listen Inspirational, Motivational and Thought Provoking Audio Quotes.Various Categories to choose...
Free AppOgni giorno uno scherzo molto divertente per offrire a te stesso e ai tuoi amici un sorriso e illuminare le vostre giornate. È inoltre possibile utilizzare queste barzellette per imparare, testare e praticare la lingua italiana. Scopri verbi coniugati...
Free AppUn calculator gratuit care pe langa functiile de baza (adunare, scadere, inmultire, impartire) contine cateva functii avansate: radical, operatii cu paranteze rotunde si patrate, calculare procentaje, calcule cu puteri negative, calculare radical, operati
Free AppLos mejores chistes buenos, groseros, cortos espanol, de pepito, machistas, feministas, cristianos cada día. También puede utilizar estas citas de aprender, probar y practicar el idioma español. Descubra verbos conjugados, sustantivos, pronombres...
Free AppEr is iets ongeborens, ongewordens, ongeschapen, ongevormds. Bestond dat niet, dan zou er geen uitweg zijn uit deze wereld van het geborene, gewordene, geschapene, gevormde. - BoeddhaFamous Quotes and Sayings in Dutch that can be used to learn, test...
Free AppCitate Celebre pentru a te inspira si motiva in fiecare zi. Autori celebri cu Idei si solutii care te vor ajuta sa privesti lucrurile in moduri noi si sa solutionezi problemele cu care te confrunti. Learn to read in romanian. Learn words, famous phrases..
Free AppPhrases Françaises pour inspirer et nourrir votre esprit. Vous avez un recueil de plus de 300 aphorisme avec des auteurs fameux du monde entier.Les plus belles Aphorismes de Victor Hugo,William James , de Jean-Paul Sartre , Proverbes de Mohandas Karamchan
Free AppBe inspired by the thinking of Confucius who was a Chinese teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher.The philosophy of Confucius emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. Aphorisms concer
Free AppEdward de Bono is a physician, author, inventor and consultant. He is the father of Lateral Thinking, and is a proponent of the teaching Kids to Think as a subject in schools.Famous Phrases and Sayings from his books, interviews and writings. Among his...
Free AppAs jy sê jy stem in beginsel saam, beteken dit jy is glad nie van voorneme om dit in die praktyd uit te voer nie. - Otto von Bismarck .Famous Quotes and Sayings in Afrikaans that can be used to learn, test your grammar, improve and practice your French...
Free AppIn fiecare zi a lunii ai parte de cate o gluma tare [anecdota sau banc] excelenta, care sa-ti ofere o raza de soare si sa stimuleze distractia si bucuria.Funny Quotes in Romanian that can be used to learn, test your grammar, improve and practice your...
Free AppChaque jour du mois une nouvelle blague pour vous donner au moins a vous et a vos amis un sourire et un rayon de soleil. La date courante est automatiquement mise à jour. Vous pouvez également utiliser ces blagues pour apprendre, tester et pratiquer...
Free AppA free online arithmetic calculator that besides basic math functions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) contains several advanced functions (sine , cosine, logarithm, tangent, sin/cos/ log/ tan radical. calculating percentages, the factori
Free AppCitas y frases célebres, proverbios y refranes en espanol. Muestra la hora y fecha. También puede utilizar estas citas de aprender, probar y practicar el idioma español. Descubra verbos conjugados, sustantivos, pronombres, adverbios, adjetivos, numerales.
Free AppDes Auteurs fameus avec des pensées inspirantes et motivantes. Dictons positives pour motiver inspirer. Chaque jour du mois une nouvelle Citation pour vous donner d"energie mentale et vous inspirer. Affiche la date courrante. Vous pouvez également...
Free AppAutori e detti famosi per inspirare, motivare. È inoltre possibile utilizzare queste citazioni per imparare, testare e praticare la lingua italiana. Scopri verbi coniugati, nomi, pronomi, avverbi, aggettivi, numeri, come formare e utilizzare frasi.Tags:..
Free AppAn useful Tool to convert Rgb to Hex, select, see millions of colors combinations and choose the Hex , RGB + Rgba colours codes,. Instructions for Application :To create a colour you have various options:Use Move the Slider controls which will convert...
Free AppIstnieje tylko jeden sposób, aby uwolnić się od zła, jakie niesie porządek państwowy: nie brać udziału w przemocy, leżącej u podstaw państwa. - Lew TołstojFamous Quotes and Sayings in Polish that can be used to learn, test your grammar, improve...
Free AppLet's clarify some of the concepts used with this app:Present Value = Principal amount or the Initial investment. How much money would be needed to produce the Future Value.Interest Rate = An interest rate is the rate at which interest is paid by borrower
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