YEN WU - Android Applications by YEN WU
This is a new board game, will be the basis of Taiwan Anqi play and Chinese chess arms properties, integration of modern science fiction and historical allusions, creating a unique various branches of unparalleled skill.
Free Game未來再也不是少數菁英的世界,相、車、馬、兵都被賦予新的生命:相有【紊亂】、【固守】、【陷阱】、【復活】等技能,不打敗高等級的相,根本很難取勝。車的大絕【閃襲】一次最多可消滅七個單位,【擊潰】一次最多可消滅三個單位,對手可能還來不及反應,就已經只剩下光桿將軍了。馬的大絕【馳騁】,可以縱橫全局,讓對手措手不及,此外,【連擊】一次最多可消滅三個單位,而【奔馳】一次可行進三格,若遇到高等的馬,對手雖有帥仕炮,或許也只能以和棋作收。兵有【偵察】與【稽查】等技能,可以讓【隱身】或【易容】的將帥無所遁形,也能夠持續偵察
Free GameThe development of this system is designed to recommend videos carefully selected; expect to be able to save the user time to explore and improve the user viewing pleasure, and increase the convenience of user operation.The main categories include Taiwan.
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