Yaros Communications, Inc.

Yaros Communications, Inc. published 2 applications on Google Play, 1 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.00!

Info 3.0 by Yaros Communications, Inc.Info 3.0

Rated 0.00(0) — Yaros Communications, Inc.

This mobile learning app supports the blended "Information 3.0" series courses taught by Professor Ron Yaros in the Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland.

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Mobile 3.0 by Yaros Communications, Inc.Mobile 3.0

Rated 4.00(1) — Yaros Communications, Inc.

Mobile 3.0 provides learners with the digital tools, techniques, and assignments for producing and distributing media for the unique mobile environment. The app is frequently updated based on the latest research of mobile users as they seek, select...

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