Xelion b.v.

Xelion b.v. published 2 applications on Google Play, 38 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.07!

Xelion by Xelion b.v.Xelion

Rated 4.21(14) — Xelion b.v.

Please note:This version of the app is only suitable for Xelion server versions older than 6.10.Download the new Xelion6 app for Xelion server versions 6.10 and later.Xelion for Android ™ is a powerful app which gives you direct access from your smartphon

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Xelion6 by Xelion b.v.Xelion6

Rated 3.92(24) — Xelion b.v.

Xelion for Android ™ is a powerful app which gives you direct access from your smartphone to Xelion 6 at your office. You have access to the central address book, see recent calls, chat or call with people in the office, check the availability of a...

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