workforfun Inc. - Android Applications by workforfun Inc.
In a peaceful island live a crowd of happy people. But one day, evil monsters invade the island and people live a miserable life. In desperation, a girl rises up bravely. She fights against the monsters fiercely under the sea.Will the island return to...
Free Game一旦开始,就没法停下 每过一关,背景都换一次高清壁纸,背景都是漂亮的星空背景,很值得一看 非常优秀的游戏!!! 这是每个玩家最值得拥有的游戏!爱死这个游戏了. 让人欲罢不能!! 玩得无法放下,我每天都要玩...
Free GameOnce you start,you can not stop! This is a free game,you would like this game and challenge more score.- Choose your favorite ninja character- Tap left or right to avoid the branches.- The character is so cut,you will like it- Share your score to facebook
Free Game【温馨提示】 - 你同时消去的星星越多,就能得到越高分; - 最后剩下的星星越少,得到的奖励越多; - 你需要经过仔细思考,才能得到更高的分数; - 精心调整每关卡的目标分数,使更具有挑战性。
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