
Windigig published 2 applications on Google Play, 472 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.38!

Safari Chess (Animal Chess) by WindigigSafari Chess (Animal Chess)

Rated 4.40(329) — Windigig

Play Safari Chess with anyone from all around the world. Play the multiplayer mode online with friends or try the single player mode to challenge and ultimately defeat the Dragon Master.Smooth and appealing graphics, animation suitable for all age groups.

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大头斗兽棋 by Windigig大头斗兽棋

Rated 4.37(143) — Windigig

“Q版动物超萌,秒杀移动平台其他开发商的作品.......用当下的流行风格在移动平台让经典重生,让更多年轻的玩家有机会接触这款不应被遗忘的优秀棋类游戏” - 「腾讯游戏」5星推荐具有完善功能,流畅动画效果,...

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