Wiliam Roberto da SIlva

Wiliam Roberto da SIlva published 2 applications on Google Play, 3 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.00!

Animals by Wiliam Roberto da SIlvaAnimals

Rated 5.00(2) — Wiliam Roberto da SIlva

This is a version of Animals, an old program in BASIC language.

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Tarefas Construtora by Wiliam Roberto da SIlvaTarefas Construtora

Rated 1.00(1) — Wiliam Roberto da SIlva

Sistema de cadastro de tarefas onde taredas serão cadastradas em um banco de dados externos e enviadas para pessoas executarem as mesmas e darem baixa. Task registration system where taredas will be registered in a foreign database and sent to the same...

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