WikiRoutes Co.

WikiRoutes Co. published 2 applications on Google Play, 6,682 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.09!

How to get from A to B. Routes by WikiRoutes Co.How to get from A to B. Routes

Rated 3.98(2,319) — WikiRoutes Co.

You can search for all optimal routes from point A to point B, saving you time and money.We have 40,000 routes. 1100 cities of Russia, CIS and Europe.We offer routing for the following transport: buses, minibuses, trolleybuses, trams, metro, monorail...

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Маршруты WikiRoutes. Транспорт by WikiRoutes Co.Маршруты WikiRoutes. Транспорт

Rated 4.19(4,363) — WikiRoutes Co.

WikiRoutes (ВикиРоутс) - актуальный справочник общественного транспорта.* транспорт в реальном времени с указанием времени прибытия на остановку*...

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