Weedy Publishing - Android Applications by Weedy Publishing
Unique, interesting, informative and fun quiz on cannabis theme. A selection of 150 questions: simple even for a beginner idioms and puzzling questions about cultivation in hydroponic glasshouse. Let's test yourself by guessing the number of coffee shops.
Free GameThis application appeared as a logical continuation of the "Weedypedia" ("Encyclopedia of Hemp"), published in the Weedy Publishing publishing house since 2001. The third edition of the book is in two volumes, with total number of more than 800 pages...
$1.79Уникальные, интересные, познавательные и просто прикольные загадки на конопляную тему. Подборка из 150 вопросов, в числе которых несложные...
Free GameФирменная читалка — гордость издательства. Написана с нуля специально для Weedy Publishing. Читалка сильно упрощает жизнь: все номера журнала хранятся...
Free AppThis application appeared as a logical continuation of the "Weedypedia" ("Encyclopedia of Hemp"), published in the Weedy Publishing publishing house since 2001. The third edition of the book is in two volumes, with total number of more than 800 pages...
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