Wayoo-Soft - Android Applications by Wayoo-Soft
FIX BLACK SCREEN BUG: When having a black background try what user Gaëtan tried! "To make it work on GSII set another animated wallpaper then select the ME3 wallpaper." Thanks!Layered Live Wallpaper of Mass Effect 3 made by Wayoo for Free for the fans...
Free ThemeGet your image Scaled-down and/or Rotated before Sharing it to other apps!Steps:Share Menu > Tap ResizeDroid > Scale-down/Rotate > Tap "Resize and Share" button > Select your Sharing app (Whatsapp, Twitter, Gmail, etc)PERMISSION:Only one is Write on...
Free AppIs the perfect companion while playing PC games, or even doing the most common tasks through shortcuts in a PC program.Macro Effect is an application for creating custom macros on the phone, and run them on the computer via WiFi. Each Profile (named...
Free App Poor rating