Wayne Piekarski - Android Applications by Wayne Piekarski
Greetings Glider fans! Well, it is 2014, and I have ported my old Glider game from 1997 over to Android for you to play on your current devices! The game is basically the same as before, I wrote an ANSI terminal emulator for Android to run the game's...
Free GameDebug screen resolution and other device information on devices such as phones, tablets, wearables, and TV.
Free AppOpenGL Android demo combined with DataLayer sample on Android Wear to synchronize interactions between devices
Free AppUse this app to display the contents of some dataref items from X-Plane 11.The source code is available under GPLv3 at https://github.com/waynepiekarski/XPlaneMonitor
Free GameKeep display of Android Wear device turned on, useful for debugging and recording demo videos.
Free AppOpenGL Android demo combined with DataLayer sample on Android Wear to synchronize interactions between devices