Wakie - Android Applications by Wakie
Wakie X is an eXperimental version of Wakie, the social app for phone calls. Ask questions to strangers who know answers, get advice. Socialize when bored, express feelings, meet new people.How it works: you set a topic and get to have a phone call with..
Free App✭ 1 500 000 пользователей во всем мире! ✭✭ Эффективно и очень весело! ✭✭ Работает даже при закрытом приложении! ✭Будист (от слова "будить") —...
Free AppAsk questions, get answers, give advice, help others and meet new people. Socialize when bored, express feelings through voice calls. Wakie, the social app for phone calls, is great for all of that.Now, you can create any topic you want to discuss and...
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