
V-smart published 2 applications on Google Play, 6 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.10!

Vsmart agent V by V-smartVsmart agent V

Rated 3.20(5) — V-smart

Agent V is the software designed for V-smart Airdisk wireless portable storage devices.This app allows you to backup, store, transfer, and exchange files easily between Mac/PC, smartphones, tablets, and other iOS/Android mobile devices without any other..

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Vsmart agent V Pro by V-smartVsmart agent V Pro

Rated 3.00(1) — V-smart

Agent V是一款搭配V-smart airdisk無線隨身碟產品所使用的軟體。此應用程式可輕鬆在MAC/PC,手機與平版或是其他IOS/Android行動裝置間備份,儲存,傳輸與交換檔案,不需要透過任何其他同步軟體如Itunes。Agent...

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