Utsav Gupta

Utsav Gupta published 2 applications on Google Play, 32 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.81!

BK Dr. Girish Patel by Utsav GuptaBK Dr. Girish Patel

Rated 4.80(10) — Utsav Gupta

!... OM SHANTI ...!BK Dr. Girish Patel is involved in Raja Yoga Education and Research Foundation and President of International Health Promotion Network.Prestigious newspapers in many countries extensively covered Dr. Girish Patel's programmes and publis

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Voice Calculator by Utsav GuptaVoice Calculator

Rated 4.82(22) — Utsav Gupta

Hello to the world ...!!Myself voice calculator, I want to make your life easy-going.Now don't hesitate to recheck any calculation,You can do this without stressing your finger/thumb.Just tell me I will do that for you.I was incubated on 12th Jan 2016...

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