unoemon - Android Applications by unoemon
Realtime dog or not dog classification!You can determine whether it is a dog or a hot dog.You can discern whether it is a dog or fried chicken.You can discern whether it is a dog or oyster.
Free App完全無料!ゲーム感覚で宅建試験の勉強ができます!宅建士を目指して頑張りましょう!■概要・宅建の過去問をマルバツクイズ形式で出題するアプリ ■機能・【お気に入り問題】お気に入り登録した問題のみ出題します。・【よく間違える問題】よく間違える問題のみ出題します。...
Free GameWhen you are watching TV...You "uhh...Who is this ?"You can use the WhoCamera in these situations !How to use :1. Who is this?2. Launch WhoCamera.3. Just point the camera at the TV screen.4. Analyze face.5. Show name and information.5. Congrats!Reason...
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