UN3X - Android Applications by UN3X
This analogue clock shows you the most important astronomical and astrological information at a glance:-Phases of the moon-The number of days until the next full moon-Sunrise/sunset, moonrise/moonset, rising and setting of the planets and Pluto-Position..
$2.84Üben Sie Kopfrechnen, trainieren Sie Ihr Kurzzeitgedächtnis und verbessern Sie Ihre Konzentrationsfähigkeit! Was ist eine Kettenrechnung?Jede Kettenrechnung beginnt mit einer normalen Rechenaufgabe (zB. "1+3"). Das Resultat muss im Gedächtnis behalten...
Free GameThis app is an excellent tool for schoolchildren to practise their mental maths, work on their short-term memory, and improve their concentration!Every chain calculation begins with a normal exercise (e.g. "1+3"). You must remember the answer because...
$0.81Go out*, find deposits, and build your first mine! (*GPS-based game, geocaching)RESOURCES GAME is a location-based massively-multiplayer economic simulation Scan your surroundings in the real world for resources, and find rich deposits on the map.Build...
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