UDIB published 3 applications on Google Play, 4,878 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.61!

Biblioletrado by UDIBBiblioletrado

Rated 4.64(58) — UDIB

Biblioletrado es un juego cristiano donde debes saber la respuesta a la pregunta que se te presenta para así completar con cada letra las palabras y superar todos los niveles del juego.Cada vez que respondes correctamente vas acumulando bibliomonedas...

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Biblionary by UDIBBiblionary

Rated 4.53(4,726) — UDIB

*** Recognized as one of the "Top Free Games 2015 Christians" in the Google Play with more than 250,000 downloads ***Now in English and Spanish.Biblionario also known as Millionaire Bible, is the game that will help you assess your knowledge of the Bible.

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Biblionary by UDIBBiblionary

Rated 4.66(94) — UDIB

*** Recognized as one of the "Top Free Games 2015 Christians" in the Google Play with more than 250,000 downloads ***Biblionario also known as Millionaire Bible, is the game that will help you assess your knowledge of the Bible, has 3 levels of 5 question

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