
tutu published 2 applications on Google Play, 431 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.48!

Ladybug and Marble by tutuLadybug and Marble

Rated 3.50(2) — tutu

Ladybug and Marble (also named: Flick Marble) is originally from a traditional Chinese children's game: shooting marbles with thumb and forefinger into holes on the ground. The shooter wins the other players' marbles that get shot into the holes. In...

真心话大冒险 by tutu真心话大冒险

Rated 3.45(429) — tutu

郊游聚会的时候,希望大家吐露心声吗;和刚认识的朋友会因为难找到话题而感到尴尬么;在酒吧独醉的时候,可以不再品尝寂寞吗?此刻, 翻开手机,进入"真心话大冒险"游戏,不需要故作的寒暄,不需要多余的话语,就可以打破僵局,让朋友吐诉忠肠,与新朋友开怀尽兴。 此款"真心话大冒险"休闲娱乐游戏,用系统自带的题库替代了手写题目的麻烦,同时具备用户自定义题目的功能,简洁明快,是朋友聚会,融 洽气氛的最佳选择。

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