TUDADAK published 3 applications on Google Play, 6,177 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.56!

Grow Hidden Weapons by TUDADAKGrow Hidden Weapons

Rated 4.52(5,195) — TUDADAK

It was fun to raise the Blast and beggars and made them similar.Unposted costumes that seem to challenge copyright, bullets that do not know what to get, and uneven weapons.It has become an incongruous pattern in the design of the developer, but try...

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운세 키우기 by TUDADAK운세 키우기

Rated 4.68(382) — TUDADAK

비밀병기 키우기 제작자의 신규 프로젝트.비나이다, 비나이다! 색다르고 참신한 컨셉의 2017년 정유년 신년 운세 키우기 게임.아직도 그림 못그리는 개발자가 열심히 노력해서 만든 신선한 신작...

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Skull Magician : Grow Ultimate Magic : Tap Clicker by TUDADAKSkull Magician : Grow Ultimate Magic : Tap Clicker

Rated 4.47(600) — TUDADAK

Friends have argued with each other.- I'm an easy magic once.- Friend # 1, you are from water magic.- Friend 2, let's take the magic from the electric magic to the ultimate magic.- Why?- It is to see the ultimate magic quickly!- Hate! I will burn! No...

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