
Troptechcideve published 3 applications on Google Play, 716 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.74!

Les villes ivoiriennes by TroptechcideveLes villes ivoiriennes

Rated 3.97(574) — Troptechcideve

L’application dénommée « les villes ivoiriennes » a été conçue dans le but de participer au développement du tourisme en Côte d’Ivoire.La version actuelle de cette application se limite à la géolocalisation de certaines villes de la Côte...

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WORLD ATLAS 2 by TroptechcideveWORLD ATLAS 2

Rated 3.55(22) — Troptechcideve

"World Atlas 1" and "World Atlas 2" are two complementary applications with which you can visit all capitals of Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania. Travel the world without moving a meter. For example, go from Mexico City (Mexico) to Apia (Samoa)..

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WORLD ATLAS 1 by TroptechcideveWORLD ATLAS 1

Rated 3.71(120) — Troptechcideve

"World Atlas 1" and "World Atlas 2" are two complementary applications with which you can visit all capitals of Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania. Travel the world without moving a meter. For example, go from Mexico City (Mexico) to Apia (Samoa)..

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