
Trdle published 3 applications on Google Play, 3 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.33!

GymDays by TrdleGymDays

Rated 5.00(2) — Trdle

This app stores your workout programs and remembers which workout you're on.Everytime you're done with a workout session, press "day completed" in the app, and the app will remind you which workout you're on the next time.I made this app after it got...

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Simple Runners by TrdleSimple Runners

Rated 0.00(0) — Trdle

Denna appen tar tid, distans och skickar dina GPS koordinater till där dina vänner kan se hur du springer och på vilka tider. This app takes time, distance and sends your GPS coordinates to where your friends...

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Pink Currency Converter by TrdlePink Currency Converter

Rated 5.00(1) — Trdle

Omvandlar enligt:AUD - 6.69USD - 6.69SEK - 1.00YEN - 0.0837EUR - 8.67CZK - 0.35 Converts by:AUD - 6.69USD - 6.69SEK - 1:00YEN - 0.0837EUR - 8.67CZK - 00:35

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