Tour Tempo

Tour Tempo published 6 applications on Google Play, 82 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.21!

Protect Your Back - Tour Tempo by Tour TempoProtect Your Back - Tour Tempo

Rated 0.00(0) — Tour Tempo

Over 85% of Americans are currently suffering from or will suffer from low back pain at a cost of tens of billions of dollars to our health care system and time lost from work. The saddest thing about this whole scenario is many exercise regimens are...

Tour Tempo - Power Whip Golf by Tour TempoTour Tempo - Power Whip Golf

Rated 3.88(8) — Tour Tempo

The Power Whip Golf app contains the instructional videos on how to use the Power Whip training aid and explains how to prevent casting and creating lag.The Power Whip® training aid only does ONE thing.And it does that ONE thing better than anything...

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ツアーテンポゴルフ by Tour Tempoツアーテンポゴルフ

Rated 0.00(0) — Tour Tempo

初心者はもちろん、PGAツアーのメジャー大会優勝者も愛用。イエール大学の 物理学部と生体力学部の独立研究により理論が立証されたツアーテンポ。「ツアーテンポアプリケーション」を使えば、ツアープロのスイングテンポをあなたのスイングに取り入れることができます。...

Tour Tempo - Micro Player by Tour TempoTour Tempo - Micro Player

Rated 5.00(2) — Tour Tempo

The Micro Player app contains the instructional videos on how to use the Tour Tempo Micro Player. The Micro Player will help you improve every facet of your game from Tee to Green. It’s the most convenient way to use the Tour Tempo Tones.TOUR TEMPO...

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Tour Tempo Golf - Total Game by Tour TempoTour Tempo Golf - Total Game

Rated 4.38(72) — Tour Tempo

Used by beginners through Major Championship winners on the PGA Tour, and validated by an Independent Scientific Study by the Departments of Physics and Biomechanics at Yale University. The Total Game App allows you to learn how to correctly integrate...

투어 템포 골프 by Tour Tempo투어 템포 골프

Rated 0.00(0) — Tour Tempo

투어템포 토탈앱은 골프를 시작하는 비기너부터 PGA 투어의 메이저 챔피언십 우승자까지 이용하며, 예일대의 물리와 생채역학부에 의해 독자적이고 과학적인 연구를 통해 입증되었습니다...
