Tongjidi - Android Applications by Tongjidi
可愛的吸血蝙蝠冒險小遊戲,小心別被鬼抓到,也不要誤觸周圍的雷電結界!100 Monsters Yokai DodgeAs long as you are not catched by the ghosts and do not touch the edge, you will get more scores!Be careful, the ghosts will...
Free Game1. 在僵屍通過結界前用漆彈打擊它們!2. 不同的僵屍需要不同數量的漆彈擊敗。3. 當一次遇到太多僵屍時,可用漆炸彈來攻擊。4. 達到一定分數時會出現加分僵屍,別錯過了!!1. Hit the zombies with...
Free App點擊捉迷藏的856成員,不然海盜貓會偷走一條命。點擊海盜貓來趕走他!輕鬆的小遊戲!A relax and fun whack game, you must whack the hiding members of 856 Team in time or the Pirate Cat will steal one life. Whack Pirate Cat...
Free Game充滿挑戰, 怪物, 刺激的益智冒險遊戲!點擊箭號來移動或旋轉空間以收集鑰匙和黃鑽有時需要同時點擊不同箭號以達成你的目標踩踏怪獸上方以打擊他們; 記得躲開某些障礙物以免得分歸零!!享受這個冒險吧!!A...
Free Game1st.Tap and slide the ball2nd.Control the angle and power3rd.Then shoot towards the basket點撃並滑動畫面,選擇投籃角度和力道並將球投出得分! 1st.Tap and slide the ball2nd.Control the angle and power3rd.Then shoot towards the...
Free Game光輝奶奶的冒險遊戲點擊移除障礙物 為光輝奶奶準備一條安全的道路按下球鞋鍵加速以通過缺口可按下返回箭頭回到前面的遊戲中The adventure of grandma Splendor MarvellousTouch and swipe some of the obstacles;clear...
Free Game選擇通奇帝卡通明星點擊螢幕左側或右側來躲避障礙物,並進行敲擊獲取高分!獲取高分後可解鎖更多通奇帝明星角色以供選擇:80分 Easy Rabbit120分 Willy180分 WOWO200分 Dr. Do250分 D Jack300分 Watermelon...
Free Game這是個關於WoWo冒險故事的小遊戲,看WoWo如何用筋斗雲逃出如來神掌~遊戲具挑戰性,操作簡單。It is a mini game about WoWo‘s Adventure. How he can drive his Magic Cloud through Buddha's Palm to get the highest scores!!WoWo...
Free Game100monsters Yokai HunterTo Hunt: Touch the yokais and don't let them escape!Normal:Level 1Do not let even one of the yokais escapes to achieve next level.Level 2Do not let even one of the yokais escapes to achieve next level.You have three lifes.Level...
Free Game點擊螢幕畫面跳躍以躲避海盜貓注意! 地球會越轉越快喔!Tap the screen to jump to avoid Pirate K.Attention! the planet will speed up! Click on the screen to jump to avoid pirate cat picturesAttention! Earth will turn faster Oh!Tap...
Free Game益智小遊戲,用炸彈把橄欖球炸到綠色區域以得分! 完成任務就可進入下一關。A smart mini brain game; blow the football to the green field to score and go to the next level! Puzzle game, with a bomb to blow up into a green...
Free Game點擊所有包括小貓聯萌成員的彩色氣球,別讓他們飛出螢幕以免失分! 小心不要碰到有骷顱頭的氣球! 點擊星星可以加分喔!Poke all the color balloons with the kitties, piggy, and puppy inside. Don’t let them flow out of the screen, and don’t touch the skull balloon. Get reward by touching the star!
Free GameMeowphy 和 Dr, Do 展開了新的太空冒險!躲避障礙物和隕石,用雷射擊敗太空怪獸收集寶物以得分!點擊幽浮左右區域來移動幽浮,點擊幽浮來啟動雷射。一起加入冒險吧!Meowphy and Dr.Do start their new...
Free Game點擊通奇帝明星泡泡頭來得分!但別點擊火球和骷顱炸彈以免失分每點擊20個泡泡頭就可以得到額外的100分!Poke all the Tongjidi bubble heads except the fire ball and the skull bomb.Get an extra 100 score after you poke 20 bubble heads.
Free GameFinish your mission by shooting exactly the number of the different colored enemies indicating below. Be careful, if you shoot more than the indicated number, your score will be reset to zero! Finish each level in time! When time is up, you have to start.
Free Game