Thomas Layh

Thomas Layh published 2 applications on Google Play, 49 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.41!

Tip a Friend by Thomas LayhTip a Friend

Rated 4.50(2) — Thomas Layh

Shows a list of installed apps and adds the possibility to suggest this app via email.Please rate.Changelogv2.0- new package name- new icon- new market linksv1.1- sorted listv1.0- added multiselection- bugfix listviewv0.5- localized to German- decreased..

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Tip a Friend - old by Thomas LayhTip a Friend - old

Rated 4.32(47) — Thomas Layh

Shows a list of installed apps and adds the possibility to suggest this app via email.Please check the new Tip-a-Friend App This one is no longer maintained.Please rate.Changelogv1.1- sorted listv1.0- added multiselection- bugfix listviewv0.5- localized..

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