Thiago Kenji Okada

Thiago Kenji Okada published 2 applications on Google Play, 60 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.41!

REMOVED by Thiago Kenji OkadaREMOVED

Rated 3.33(9) — Thiago Kenji Okada


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Retro Breaker by Thiago Kenji OkadaRetro Breaker

Rated 3.49(51) — Thiago Kenji Okada

Retro Breaker is a simple brick breaker game with an old, retro appearance. This game was created for the Mobile Computing course (MAC5743) on IME-USP, 2014 class. It has the following game mechanics:-Retro graphics: no textures, just plain colors and...

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