
TheTechnoToast published 2 applications on Google Play, 10 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.66!

SmartCircles UCCW Widget by TheTechnoToastSmartCircles UCCW Widget

Rated 4.33(3) — TheTechnoToast

A Google-style UCCW widget designed for Google lovers. With this widget you can directly access Google Now, view the current time and date, battery level, weather status and missed calls/unread texts status.Each smart circle has a slight 3D graphic behind

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Such Randoms by TheTechnoToastSuch Randoms

Rated 5.00(7) — TheTechnoToast

I met this octopus a long while ago. While I was with him, he shared many of his opinions with me.He told me Donald Trump is secretly an octopus.He told me socialism is really a plan for octopus world domination.As he was telling me all this, he grabbed..

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