TechmaxApp - Android Applications by TechmaxApp
This app helps you find public toilets in Hong Kong- Works Offline, which suitable for travellers - Support GPS - Support street view
Free App[HK Gov Data.One Competition - Outstanding User Experience Merit ] is now migrated to the Android platform.If you are resident to Hong Kong especially drivers, this app...
Free AppThe Coupe - Diamonds and Jewellery for the BelovedSee our latest catalogue and hot offers.Explore ideas for your next bespoke jewellery.#jewellery #diamond #belove The Coupe - Diamonds and Jewellery for the BelovedSee our latest catalogue and hot offers.E
Free App字詞學習是小學語文教育的基礎。便利的工具,定能促進學習。這是依據《香港小學學習字詞表》所開發的手機學習軟件。程式包含大約4000字,可以用部首或筆劃去搜尋,會顯示一個字的筆順,同時會顯示字的普通話拼音和粵語拼音,及其相關字詞。香港教育局有自己一套字型,筆劃及寫法都與台灣字型有差異,電腦輸入法亦有出入。所以如果你小朋友係香港讀書,就跟動畫的學。...
Free App我們是做環保的 ,發現香港跟外國在環保回收這方面有很大差別而且落後其他地區。希望用這個平台多作交流經驗和知識,讓可回收的物件可以去到應該去的地方。我們致力將所有可回收物不再茖去堆填區或災化,讓它們可重新回收,回歸永續經濟。基於香港環保情況落後於其他地區但經濟金融,大眾對現在的情況認識不多。我們致力去推動環保回收和永續經濟概念,以及去分析香港政策上有什麼可以幫助本港環保產業的地方。我們現正為APP制作更多新的功能,如閣下有意見,請到我們的facebook專頁,或可以電郵留言。website:...
Free AppHong Kong Taxi Cards - Previously Collaborative Hong Kong Taxi Translator - Android Version !!!With over 9,000 Hong Kong addresses translated into written Chinese and Cantonese, equipped with function to request for additional addresses and get feedback..
$0.76Advertising calls or junk calls are common phenomena in Hong Kong. And they are annoying and disturbing our daily life. With this regards, we created Jima Junk Call Blocker, which guards you from these unwanted calls. Jima Junk Call Blocker has following.
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