tangch - Android Applications by tangch
Enjoy simple food graphics match game, special design to help you spare your free time.
Free Game这游戏能让大家在短时间内记得100样物件或名词。 这是一个简单的记忆术和游戏融合 通过不断地练习与闯关成功 你可以在无形中增强你的大脑记忆能力。 一个用心与专业的游戏。 一共有25个等级...
Free Game平甩功的特点是“上虚下实”,动作柔和,精神集中,两手摇动。练功要领是身体站直,两脚伸直,脚趾用力抓住地上,两脚伸开与肩同宽,两臂同方向前后摆动,向后用点气力,向前不用力,由堕力自行摆回。Swinging...
Free AppMemoPeg game is specific design for everyone to memorize things faster within a short period of time. This game was implemented one of the world famous memory technique - Peg System or commonly known as the major system. By playing MemoPeg game, every...
Free GameWe are website design and website development company. Providing high quality design with good services to our customers are our missions and we believe customers loyalty will lead to a build a good company.
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