Tambuo Developer - Android Applications by Tambuo Developer
a musical instrument with reed pipes that are sounded by the pressure of wind emitted from a bag squeezed by the player's arm. Bagpipes are associated especially with Scotland, but are also used in folk music in Ireland, Northumberland, and France.
Free GameThe ClassicProfrssional Doumbek is the most often played style of darbuka in the world and one of the most versatile drums you will find. This drum is inlaid with mother of pearl and wood for a beautiful and striking appearance that won't go unnoticed...
Free GameDholak is a South Asian barrel-shaped, two-headed hand drum made of one piece of wood. It is also popularly known as dholki. Its construction is very simple. It may either have traditional lacing or turnbuckle tuning. In Traditional lacing(rope-tuned)...
Free GameA djembe or jembe is a rope-tuned skin-covered goblet drum played with bare hands, originally from West Africa. According to the Bambara people in Mali, the name of the djembe comes from the saying "Anke djé, anke bé" which translates to "everyone...
Free GameAYo main kan Gendang Ki Ageng Slametgendang ini berisi macam2 lagu yang bikin anda ketagihan untuk memainkanya, gunakan speaker agar kualitas suara lebih bagus Let's play right drum Ki Ageng SlametThis drum contains macam2 songs that make you addicted...
Free GameGnederang yang di tabuh untuk memulai perang Gnederang that in percussion to start a war
Free GameInstrumental Music Professional- cajoon- clarinet- gendang- tabla- flute- Darbuka- Djembe- Angklung- Drumb
Free GameKetipung adalah salah alat musik tradisional Indonesia yang berbentuk menyerupai Gendang tetapi memiliki ukuran lebih kecil. Ketipung dibuat dari kayu yang dibubut, kemudian kemudian diberi lubang di tengahnya berukuran 20cm hingga 40 cm. Bunyi yang...
Free GameMarawis adalah salah satu jenis "band tepuk" dengan perkusi sebagai alat musik utamanya. Musik ini merupakan kolaborasi antara kesenian Timur Tengah dan Betawi, dan memiliki unsur keagamaan yang kental. Itu tercermin dari berbagai lirik lagu yang dibawaka
Free GameBongos are an Afro-Cuban percussion instrument consisting of a pair of small open bottomed drums of different sizes. In Spanish the larger drum is called the hembra (female) and the smaller the macho (male). Together with the conga or tumbadora, and...
Free GameThe Darbuka is also known as a doumbek, dumbelek, derbocka and darabukka. This goblet shaped hand drum is mainly used in the Arabic music. Apart from this, Darbuka is also considered to be a popular instrument in the Balkan, Persian and Turkish music...
Free GameIndian Percussion Instrument – Dholak or Hand DrumDholak is a robust Indian percussion instrument. In India, the Dholak is one of the most popular and frequently played North Indian folk and percussion instrument. It is also referred to as the Dholaki...
Free GameGendang ini terdiri dari lagu- kau tercipta bukan untukku- jaran goyang- bojo galak- sayang This drum consists of songs- You created not for me- rocking horse- bojo fierce- Dear
Free GameFungsi Gordang Sambilan Alat Musik Tradisional. Istilah Gordang Sambilan, pada etnik Mandailing umumnya dan masyarakat Kotanopan khususnya, mempunyai dua pengertian. Gordang Sambilan sebagai nama gendang yang berukuran besar. Merupakan ansambel musik...
Free GameThe handpan or “hang” is a convex steel drum played with the hands and tuned with multiple notes. Each handpan is tuned to a particular scale such as major, natural minor, harmonic minor, hijaz, mixolydian, etc. Sonically the handpan is an overtone-emitti
Free GameAlat musik yang satu ini biasa dipakai untuk mengiringi musik-musik melayu. Gendang kecil yang memiliki dua sisi tabuh ini menjadi salah satu alat musik tradisional di Indonesia. Inilah ketipung, gendang kecil yang menjadi bagian dari instrumen gamelan.Ke
Free GameTraditionally American Indian drums are large, two to three feet in diameter, and they are played communally by groups of men who stand around them in a circle. However, there were also some tribes in which each drummer had his own instrument, and it...
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