SUSHIWAPA published 6 applications on Google Play, 8,962 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.24!

Lantern for Stadium by SUSHIWAPALantern for Stadium

Rated 4.52(23) — SUSHIWAPA

In recent times is common to see fans in any football stadium, basketball etc .. encourage their teams with the flashlight turned on in the background screen of their smartphones.With this new application, can also be colored mosaics with the colors...

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Wifi Open Network Finder by SUSHIWAPAWifi Open Network Finder

Rated 4.32(842) — SUSHIWAPA

With this application you can easily search for and discriminate against open Wi-Fi networks from the thousands of nearby Wi-Fi networks. With one click you will discover the free Wi-Fi network that best suits your needs for both the strength of the...

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Wifi: Signal Optimizer by SUSHIWAPAWifi: Signal Optimizer

Rated 4.16(1,514) — SUSHIWAPA

Surely, more than once, you've tried to download an application, video or music from your smartphone and your wifi link is extremely slow.With Wi-Fi: Signal Optimizer, you'll get the most out of your Wifi network, guiding your smartphone into the optimum.

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Meme Super Generator by SUSHIWAPAMeme Super Generator

Rated 4.38(8) — SUSHIWAPA

Meme Super Generator is, possibly, the application that will allow you to generate a meme, congratulation card or whatever you can imagine of in the fastest and easiest way and share it with your friends by WhatsApp, Facebook, Twiter, Google Plus, GMail..

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Wifi: Download Speed by SUSHIWAPAWifi: Download Speed

Rated 4.37(6,521) — SUSHIWAPA

There are many applications designed to know the various operating parameters of your smartphone, but almost any not includes a gauge of actual download speed.With this application you can know the REAL speed of your phone and your wifi network.With...

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Yes or No? Ask the flower by SUSHIWAPAYes or No? Ask the flower

Rated 3.67(54) — SUSHIWAPA

With this application you can answer yourself to your questions or doubts with a completely random answer. This application simulates the popular game of defoliate the daisy, to ask if some person, love you or not, among other possible doubt, it will...

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