SteveGuo - Android Applications by SteveGuo
Morse Shake show Facebook message by Morse code through vibration.While you are riding, you might have no chance to take out your smart phone from bag to see who send a new Facebook message to you. Now you could use this simple app "Morse Shake" to get...
$1.00Shot Angle can help you adjust the right angle shots.Launch angle is simply the start of the basketball toward the basket your perspective. For our discussion here, and have your arms out straight and parallel to the ground, is 0 degrees. Let your arms...
$1.00PainScale is one that allows you to simply record misery index of APP, the index recorded through bitter reference sent to your physician as medication.Pain Inventory (Pain score) determined by the patient's own medical staff should not doubt it.In a...
Free App★最新消息:本APP提供流行歌曲和弦譜,均取得中華音樂著作權協會合法授權。★因小米2S無外接SD卡,本AP無法支援,造成困擾敬請諒解。磨人譜屋 Pro (Mull Mill)吉他譜編寫★磨人譜屋 Pro 提供磨人譜屋部落格即時更新的流行歌曲和絃譜★彰化(市)吉他、長笛、古箏、鋼琴…等樂器教學招生❀黠客樂坊❀★樂器商品查詢請至...