
SPVtracking published 2 applications on Google Play, 28 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.63!

SPV tracking - Limited offer by SPVtrackingSPV tracking - Limited offer

Rated 4.27(22) — SPVtracking

We keep the app for free until December 2015, after will cost € 2.99! Enjoy it!“If you can not measure it, you can not improve it.”Lord KelvinSPV tracking!

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SPVtracking - Encoder by SPVtrackingSPVtracking - Encoder

Rated 5.00(6) — SPVtracking

Esta utilidad es la encargada de separar cada uno de los frames de un vídeo para después poder analizarlos! This utility is responsible for separating each of the frames of a video and then can analyze them!

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