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Free AppSpeed English - FrenchApprentissage de l’anglais pour les FrançaisApplication pour la révision et l’apprentissage de vocabulaire en anglais pour les francophones - version complète.Base de données de 50 000 mots !Cette application présente une...
Free AppSpeed English - PortugueseEstudar Inglês para falantes de portuguêsPedido de memorização e aprendizagem de vocabulário em Inglês para falantes de português a versão completa.Ele tem uma base de dados de palavras 50.000!Esta aplicação apresenta...
Free AppSpeed English - GermanEnglisch für DeutschsprechendeApp zum Auswendiglernen und Studium eines Wortschatzes in English für Deutschsprechende – VollversionDatenbank von 50'000 Wörtern!Diese App weist eine innovative Technik zum Studium der englischen...
Free AppSpeed English - TurkishTürk konuşanlar için İngilizce öğrenme.Ezberlemek ve Türkçe konuşan için İngilizce kelime öğrenme için başvuru.50.000 Veritabanı! sözlerBu uygulama dilde frekansına göre kelime zenginleştirerek, İngilizce öğrenmek...
Free AppSpeed English - SwedishAtt lära sig engelska för talare av svenska. Ansökan om att memorera och lära sig engelska ordförråd för att tala svenska. Databas över 50.000! Ord Denna ansökan presenterar en ny teknik för att lära sig engelska, genom...
Free AppSpeed English - PolishPolskie głośniki nauki angielskiego.Wniosek o zapamiętywanie i uczenie się języka angielskiego za mówienie Polski .Baza danych o 50.000! WordsAplikacja prezentuje nową technikę stosowaną w nauce języka angielskiego, poprzez...
Free AppEarth is under attack asteroids, you must deflect the asteroid off course, to prevent injury. NOTE! Any type of asteroid has a special disc that fits deflected, wrong disk usage will cause an explosion. looking easy?
Free GameGame challenging and fun light, and has become increasingly difficult over time. The game objective: to gain as high as possible. the progress of the game: Every step you need to reach the target number, using a combination of pills so that their value...
Free GameIn this game, you have to blow up different colored squares. Each square has an initial value of 1, a group of the same colored squares adjacent to one another, exploding together.Total score value of a group of squares were blown up, added to their...
Free GameSpeed English - HungarianTanulás angol beszélők a magyar.Alkalmazás memorizálás és a tanulás angol szókincs magyar beszédéért.Adatbázis 50.000! SzavakEz az alkalmazás bemutatja új technika angoltanulás, gazdagítva a szótár szerint...
Free AppSpeed English - SpanishEstudio de inglés para hispanohablantesAplicación para la memorización y aprendizaje de vocabulario en inglés para hispanohablantes –la versión completa.¡Posee una base de datos de 50.000 palabras!Esta aplicación presenta...
Free AppSpeed English - DutchEngels leren van het Nederlands.Aanvraag voor het onthouden en leren van Engels vocabulaire voor het spreken Nederlands.Databank van 50.000! tekstDeze toepassing geeft een nieuwe techniek voor het leren Engels door het verrijken...
Free AppSpeed English - ItalianImparare l'inglese!Applicazione informatica utilizzata per l'acquisizione e la revisione dei vocaboli della lingua Inglese. Edizione completa.Database di 50.000 parole!Questa applicazione presenta una tecnica innovativa nell'apprend
Free AppSpeed English - RomanianCursuri de limba engleza pentru vorbitori de limba română.Cererea de memorare și învățare vocabular limba engleză pentru a vorbi română.Baza de date de 50.000! CuvinteAceastă aplicație prezintă o tehnică nouă pentru...
Free AppSpeed English - DanishAt lære engelsk for der taler dansk .Ansøgning om at huske og lære engelsk ordforråd til at tale dansk.Database over 50.000 ! ordDette program præsenterer en ny teknik til at lære engelsk , ved at berige ordforråd i forhold...
Free AppTo get to a diamond, and then collect a large number of diamonds as much as possible.The progress of the game:Different forms of complexity squares of different colors fall from above.You need to adjust them in such a way that will gather together 3...
Free GameEarth is under attack asteroids, you must deflect the asteroid off course, to prevent injury. NOTE! Any type of asteroid has a special disc that fits deflected, wrong disk usage will cause an explosion. looking easy?
Free GameIInnovative thinking game and completely original, very challenging and fascinating.3,200 puzzles !!!In this game, you have to blow up the squares in different colors. Each square has an initial value of 1, a group of squares of the same color, blown...
Free GameThe most challenging thinking game. The rules are simple: You need to blow up the shapes, when you need to reach the target point. Same shapes next to each other explode together.As a larger group of shapes , a higher score. Therefore, you should try...
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