Sophie Berger

Sophie Berger published 2 applications on Google Play, 4 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.50!

German Target Game by Sophie BergerGerman Target Game

Rated 4.00(3) — Sophie Berger

This game allows you to learn basic german grammer rules, by tapping on targets. These targets will however move randomly and quickly, arround your screen. Once you get an answer wrong, you game over. Good luck and have fun!

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Mathe im Zahlenraum 10 by Sophie BergerMathe im Zahlenraum 10

Rated 5.00(1) — Sophie Berger

Mathetraining zu den Themen Addition und Subtraktion im Zahlenraum 10. Basierend auf den didaktischen Unterlagen des Recheninstituts Wien und nach Übungsgruppen sortiert. Math Training sorted on the topics of addition and subtraction with numbers 10...

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