sofiahdroid - Android Applications by sofiahdroid
Anime in Indonesian is a cartoon that is a typical Japanese animation that is displayed in various characters and plot. Currently the popularity of Japanese anime has spread throughout the world. Anime itself is influenced by the style of images in the...
Free AppConventional greeting cards are a piece of card in a variety of sizes, made of thick paper or cardboard and have pictures according to the theme of the card. Cards are usually folded in two with the inside containing congratulations or messages addressed.
Free AppSekarang kerajinan dari bahan kain flanel sangat beragam, bahan alias kain flanelnya juga mudah didapat misalnya saja di toko bahan kerajinan atau souvenir, toko alat kantor, bisa juga beli secara online. Kain flanel adalah kain yang biasa digunakan...
Free AppMusic is a sound that can make our moods become more colorful. Therefore the car without audio will feel lonely and incomplete, because the music will accompany us on the way to drive the car with more relaxed and rilex. For the parents of slow music...
Free AppChristmas is the time when all the rooms in the house are as beautifully decorated as possible. Of course the door did not escape from the special Christmas-style decor. Christmas decoration idea is a great application. That way, you can choose the size..
Free AppThe basket is a container usually made of woven plant fibers. At the top can be open or can be closed with a cover. The dirty laundry baskets and laundry net are the washing-up equipment that needs to be owned as both of them hold important roles.The...
Free AppRattan is a group of palma from the Calameae fern that has a climbing habitus, notably Calamus, Daemonorops, and Oncocalamus. Puak Calameae itself consists of about six hundred members, with a dispersal area in the tropics. traditionally not classified...
Free AppTumpeng is a way of serving rice and its side dishes in cone form, because it is also called 'rice cone'. Processed rice that is generally used in the form of yellow rice, although often also used ordinary white rice or rice uduk. The way of serving...
Free AppAmigurumi is a work of knitting art or a knit doll that usually takes the form of funny animals and anthropomorphic creatures. Amigurumi was first popularized from the Japanese state, which is from Japanese ami. hooks or knits, and nuigurumi are puppets..
Free AppTempat sampah (bahasa Inggris: waste container) adalah tempat untuk menampung sampah secara sementara, yang biasanya terbuat dari logam atau plastik. Di dalam ruangan, tempat sampah umumnya disimpan di dapur untuk membuang sisa keperluan dapur seperti...
Free AppThe pillow is a head buffer, usually used for sleeping on a bed, or for a body buffer on a couch or chair. Pillows are usually filled by cotton, poultry feathers, and so on. Guling is one of the tools used to sleep typical of the people of Indonesia...
Free AppBlazer telah menjadi tren tersendiri bagi para pecinta mode terutama para wanita selain jaket dan cardigan. Model pakaian ini sangat disukai oleh banyak wanita karena ini sangat cocok untuk wanita yang menyukai penampilan formal namun tetap modis. Pada...
Free AppThe cafe from (French: cafe) is literally coffee, but then becomes a place for drinks not just coffee but also other beverages including low-alcoholic beverages. In Indonesia, the cafe means a kind of simple place, but it's interesting enough to eat...
Free AppAlways trying to provide the best service for you who want to change the look of the car seat becomes more attractive and comfortable. For the owner of the car, will usually pour his creative ideas to make variations on the car seat so it will make the...
Free AppWardrobe or cupboard is one of the furniture products are usually relatively large size that can be used to store various goods. Cabinets are large chests that have a door / door, a place to store things. Clock is a function of the location can usually...
Free AppThe guitar is a stringed instrument that is played by picking, generally using a finger or a plectrum. The guitar is formed on a part of the principal body with a solid neck section as the place of the strings which generally amount to six is attached..
Free Appbando is a hair accessories that is often used by many Indonesian women to add beautiful appearance. and Bando or headband is also one of the women's hair accessories that is always there in every era. These small accessories can be easily worn by women..
Free AppCrocheting in English term called crochet is one of knitting technique. there is also little difference between knitting and crocheting. Knitting or often called by knitting and crochet (crochet). there may be many confusions that occur between the two...
Free AppTata rias wajah (bahasa Inggris: make up) adalah kegiatan mengubah penampilan dari bentuk asli sebenarnya dengan bantuan bahan dan alat kosmetik. Istilah make up lebih sering ditujukan kepada pengubahan bentuk wajah, meskipun sebenarnya seluruh tubuh...
Free AppSetiap kendaraan yang dilahirkan atau diproduksi akan selalu memiliki bentuk karakter tubuh berbeda. Namun jarang sekali sebuah pabrikan mobil yang memperhatikan desain bagian kaki-kaki atau velg dengan memberikan sentuhan khusus.Dalam artian disini...
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