SmartMath Apps

SmartMath Apps published 4 applications on Google Play, 8 people rated these apps with an average rating of 5.00!

Accurate Body Fat Calculator -- fitness and health by SmartMath AppsAccurate Body Fat Calculator -- fitness and health

Rated 5.00(2) — SmartMath Apps

Whatever weight loss, health, body sculpting, body fat is more important than weight.To build muscle & lose fat, always keep your body in good shape.This app offers 2 ways to calculate your body fat percentage: YMCA method and US Navy method. These were..

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神奇猜年齡 -- 手機魔術、聚會炒熱氣氛、聯誼找話題、新朋友拉近距離的好工具 by SmartMath Apps神奇猜年齡 -- 手機魔術、聚會炒熱氣氛、聯誼找話題、新朋友拉近距離的好工具

Rated 5.00(2) — SmartMath Apps

簡單幾個步驟,就能猜出年齡!手機魔術、聚會炒熱氣氛、聯誼找話題、新朋友拉近距離的好工具。1. 只要請受試者依序勾選幾個數字表格的答案,即可準確猜出年齡。數字是由小到大遞增,請別漏看了。2...

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Guess Age Magically! Be popular among ur friends. by SmartMath AppsGuess Age Magically! Be popular among ur friends.

Rated 5.00(2) — SmartMath Apps

You can close the distance between you and another person with this app, you will become popular among your friends.1. Ask your friend to check(✔) the following tables easily, and you can know his or her age magically.2. Ask your friend to think of...

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精準體脂計--瘦身、減肥、塑身、健身必備--全新發佈 by SmartMath Apps精準體脂計--瘦身、減肥、塑身、健身必備--全新發佈

Rated 5.00(2) — SmartMath Apps

您知道不論減重、塑身、健身、健康,體脂率都比體重更重要!本App是最簡單、最直覺、最準確的體脂率測量好工具。本App有兩種體脂率計算方式可選擇:(1) YMCA法及(2) US Navy法,分別由青年會及美國海軍依大數據(big...

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