SMART FUTUR - Android Applications by SMART FUTUR
Find sequence of characters in short periodColored characters shown in result indicate: - Green color: the character is in right position - Orange color: the character exist in right response but not not in this position - Red color: the character doesn't
Free GameDomestic animals is an educational application learning animals name, the male, female, child and their sounds whith photos and videos.I tried to use teaching learning methods; a sound game to improve audible recognition and a form game to improve visual.
Free AppEconomic Shopping List supports 3 different language: English, arab and french.Economic Shopping List allows you to: - Save your goods/products list and classify them. - Reminder of the last price of any goods/product. - Reoder and sort list by multiple..
Free AppHello in "حروف و ألوان",Share the best moments of your children learning and discovering colors."حروف و ألوان" is an interactive application helping to discover arabic words and colors with amazing method.Improve coordination between...
Free AppHello in "Coloring Words",Share the best moments of your children learning and discovering colors."Coloring Words" is an interactive application helping to discover words and colors with amazing method.Improve coordination between different colors, develo
Free AppFormes et Couleurs est une application éducatif qui facilite la distinction entre les différentes formes et couleurs et leurs noms en français, arabe et anglais. Des jeux de formes, couleurs et de langue sont développés pour faciliter l'apprentissage...
Free Appمرحبا بكم في "أرقام و ألوان".تقاسم مع صغارك و أطفالك أمتع أوقات التعلم و اللعب و شاركهم متعة الإكتشاف."أرقام و الوان" تطبيق تفاعلي يساعد طفلك...
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