SMA App Builders

SMA App Builders published 4 applications on Google Play, 12 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.80!

Albi Argent Paiment Reseau by SMA App BuildersAlbi Argent Paiment Reseau

Rated 5.00(1) — SMA App Builders

Grâce à cette application une fois que vous devenez un partenaire, vous serez en mesure d'effectuer des paiements de réseau de paiement Albi With this application once you become a partner, you will be able to perform Albi payment network payments

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CMT Agent Companion by SMA App BuildersCMT Agent Companion

Rated 4.40(5) — SMA App Builders

With this Choice Money Transfer app you can enter deposits and posted into your account faster, check balances and review status of your transactions on your handset. It will help you to send IDs required for some transactions, compliance documents...

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Albi Magasin Partenaire by SMA App BuildersAlbi Magasin Partenaire

Rated 4.80(5) — SMA App Builders

Si vous êtes propriétaire d'un magasin et que vous voulez faire partie du réseau de l' Albi envoyer de l'argent des clients , de télécharger cette application, il va augmenter votre chiffre d'affaires en offrant un service de transfert d'argent...

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Nafa Store Companion by SMA App BuildersNafa Store Companion

Rated 5.00(1) — SMA App Builders

This app allows you to add money transfer services in Africa so if you own a convenience, cellphone or any store and you want to add an easy money transfer service, download this app and become part of the Nafa networ

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