SIKOM CONNECT AS published 3 applications on Google Play, 21 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.81!

Aura Remote by SIKOM CONNECT ASAura Remote

Rated 4.50(4) — SIKOM CONNECT AS

The THERMIA AURA REMOTE app lets you monitor and control the air-air heat pump Aura from “Thermia Värmepumpar”. See for more information about the air-air heat pump Thermia Aura.The unique 2-way communication between the heat pump...

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Sikom Living by SIKOM CONNECT ASSikom Living

Rated 0.00(0) — SIKOM CONNECT AS

With Sikom Living, you can easily control and monitor your house. Sikom Living supports gateways made by SIKOM AS, see for a list of supported models.- Easy management of heat and light.- Create week programs for heating- Adjust eco and...

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MinHytte by SIKOM CONNECT ASMinHytte

Rated 3.94(17) — SIKOM CONNECT AS

Med MinHytte appen kan du enkelt styre og overvåke din hytte. MinHytte støtter sentraler fra SIKOM AS, se for oversikt over modeller som støttes. - Enkel styring av varme og lys. Slå på varmen før du kommer frem. - Sett spare og...

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