Shih-kai Chien - Android Applications by Shih-kai Chien
You hide one of three star ships and your enemy is in the same condition. Your mission is to catch enemy by fire missile form your ships. Each one carries missile and shield feature, the sum of missile and shield qty is 6,8,10 which based on your choice.O
Free Game相傳達摩掌訣為達摩所創,利用快速的演算可以評估人過去到現在的資訊.將人出生的日期時間的數字密碼和中國古代的農曆曆法相結合,並且與12天干來比對,就可以知道每個人生命的真諦. According...
$0.83梅花易數的理論源自於中國古代認為天地萬物皆有一個先天數字,透過這個數字在八卦中的變化,可以藉由八卦的卦辭說明事物的吉凶與變化.這個App 的數字起卦方式分為:隨機起卦,國曆日期時間起卦,農曆日期時辰起卦,身份加上方位起卦,以及隨機加上方位起卦.
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