Shakira Creative - Android Applications by Shakira Creative
Begitu pentingnya belajar adab dalam islam Once the importance of learning manners in Islam
Free AppBerisi tentang panduan pelaksanaan shalat sunnah dengan doa-doanya semoga bermanfaat. Contains the implementation guidelines sunnah prayers with his prayers may be useful.
Free AppContains this application about images happy new year and calendar 2017. Calendar for Year 2017 US,Holidays and Observances.
Free AppFishing knots is offline application how to bind fishing hooks and hook fishing lines, which we produce and collect from several sources. This type of fishing line tie can be used according to your needs in fishing ponds or in the wild or the open seas.Op
Free AppAplikasi ini berisi tentang pengertian zakat, hukum zakat, dalil zakat, jenis zakat dan lain--lain tentang zakat. This application contains the notion of zakat, alms law, the argument of zakat, zakat and other types - about zakat.
Free App1.Adam AS.2.Idris AS.3.Nuh AS.4.Hud AS.5.Soleh AS.6.Ibrahim AS.7.Luth AS.8.Ismail AS.9.Ishak AS.10.Yakub AS.11.Yusuf AS.12.Ayub AS.13.Sueb AS.14.Musa AS.15.Harun AS.16.Zulkifli AS.17.Daud AS.18.Sulaiman AS.19.Ilyas AS.20.Ilyasa AS.21.Yunus AS.22.Zakaria..
Free AppDidalam aplikasi ini (Kumpulan Rumus Matematika SMA) di ajarkan bagaimana mengenal kembali rumus-rumus dari Kelas 1-3 SMA. In this application (set of Mathematical Formulas SMA) teaches how to recognize returning formulas from high school in Grades 1-3...
Free AppBelajar bahasa arab inggris dan indonesia dalam satu aplikasi Learning Arabic English and Indonesia in one app
Free AppContains this app is Picture hair style trends 2017 please download this app. Thanks. Contains this app is Picture hair style trends in 2017 please download this app. Thanks.
Free AppAl Quran 30 Juz Dengan Terjemah Bahasa Indonesia Lengkap Quran 30 Juz With Complete Indonesian Translations
Free AppThis application contains examples of handicrafts from ice cream sticks This application contains examples of handicrafts from ice cream sticks
Free AppIn this application, there are more than 100 examples of henna design. In India, mehndi is one way to beautify themselves apart from wearing makeup or jewelry. Can be used daily, or play an important role in special events such as weddings.2 or 3 days...
Free AppKata Mutiara meliputi Kata Mutiara Cinta,Kata Mutiara Islami,dan Kata Mutiara Motivasi Aphorisms include Aphorisms Love, Aphorisms Islami, and Aphorisms Motivation
Free AppAplikasi berisi tentang :Fathulqorib, Ta'lim Mu'talim, Safinatun Najah, Al Hikam, Riyadhus Shalihin, Qurrotul Uyun, Alfiyah Ibnu Malik dengan terjemahan bahasa Indonesia. Semoga bermanfaat. Application contains:Fathulqorib, Ta'lim Mu'talim, Safinatun...
Free AppAplikasi ini berisi tentang rumus-rumus matematika sekolah dasar. This application contains mathematical formulas primary school.
Free AppKumpulan Rumus Matematika SMP adalah aplikasi yang tepat untuk belajar rumus-rumus matematika tingkat sekolah menengah pertama (SMP). SMP is set Mathematical Formulas to learn proper application of mathematical formulas to junior high school (SMP).
Free AppCOC map application This is an example of a strategy to defend your village from various attacks from your opponent.The complex Hybird basic layout helps to keep your trophy.An attractive and perfect farm base layout to save resources easily. And others.C
Free AppResep Kue Kukus Bolu Indonesia dengan aneka macam jenis kue kukus dan bolu yang sangat mudah untuk di praktekan. Baking Recipes Steamed Bolu Indonesia with many kinds of sponge cake steamed and very easy to practice.
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