
Shake-on published 4 applications on Google Play, 5 people rated these apps with an average rating of 1.05!

De week van de ondernemer by Shake-onDe week van de ondernemer

Rated 4.20(5) — Shake-on

The 'De week van de ondernemer' app provides attendees of events such as trade-shows, conferences, and meet-ups a clear overview of the handshakes they have made – giving them the option to connect with one another and exchange further contact details...

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Shake-on event app by Shake-onShake-on event app

Rated 0.00(0) — Shake-on

The Shake-on networking app provides attendees of events such as trade-shows, conferences, and meet-ups a clear overview of the handshakes they have made – giving them the option to connect with one another and exchange further contact details if they...

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NIBC G2GC by Shake-onNIBC G2GC

Rated 0.00(0) — Shake-on

The NIBC G2GC app provides the attendees of the Get Together Get Connected Event by NIBC with a clear overview of the handshakes they have made – giving them the option to connect with one another and exchange further contact details if they choose...

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VIR OIT 2017 by Shake-onVIR OIT 2017

Rated 0.00(0) — Shake-on

The VIR OIT 2017 app provides the attendees of the VIR Online Innovationstage Event by the Verband Internet Reisevertrieb e.V. (VIR) with a clear overview of the handshakes they have made – giving them the option to connect with one another and exchange..

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