Sean O'Bryan - Android Applications by Sean O'Bryan
Just a calculator. This app is just a test app. It is intended to be a learning experience but if you need a basic one, please feel free to use it. App was made quickly, so there are bugs. All feedback/comments welcome. Thanks!
Free AppThe next time you forget to return that missed call or text, don't worry! CyNotify will remind you of text messages and phone calls that are unread!!Beta version - All input is welcome!!Want to know how it works?Source is available:
Free AppSimpson College CMSC375DM Summer Course 2012Android Bait Shop Finder v0.1Educational PurposesProperty of the Public Domain (Do whatever you want with it)Mono for Android ProjectSean O'BryanOther Projects:http://techvalleyprojects.blogspot.comPrivacy...
Free AppThis application calculates the maximum data rate of a channel according to Nyquist and Shannon. Calculate the following easily:Signal-to-Noise RatioNyquistmaximum data rate = 2B log2 VB is bandwidthV is levelsShannonmaximum number of bits/sec = B log2...
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