Sean O'Bryan

Sean O'Bryan published 4 applications on Google Play, 5 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.50!

Calculator by Sean O'BryanCalculator

Rated 0.00(0) — Sean O'Bryan

Just a calculator. This app is just a test app. It is intended to be a learning experience but if you need a basic one, please feel free to use it. App was made quickly, so there are bugs. All feedback/comments welcome. Thanks!

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CyNotify by Sean O'BryanCyNotify

Rated 5.00(2) — Sean O'Bryan

The next time you forget to return that missed call or text, don't worry! CyNotify will remind you of text messages and phone calls that are unread!!Beta version - All input is welcome!!Want to know how it works?Source is available:

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CMSC375DM by Sean O'BryanCMSC375DM

Rated 0.00(0) — Sean O'Bryan

Simpson College CMSC375DM Summer Course 2012Android Bait Shop Finder v0.1Educational PurposesProperty of the Public Domain (Do whatever you want with it)Mono for Android ProjectSean O'BryanOther Projects:http://techvalleyprojects.blogspot.comPrivacy...

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Maximum Data Rate by Sean O'BryanMaximum Data Rate

Rated 5.00(3) — Sean O'Bryan

This application calculates the maximum data rate of a channel according to Nyquist and Shannon. Calculate the following easily:Signal-to-Noise RatioNyquistmaximum data rate = 2B log2 VB is bandwidthV is levelsShannonmaximum number of bits/sec = B log2...

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