Schweizerischer Ingenieur- & Architektenverein SIA - Android Applications by Schweizerischer Ingenieur- & Architektenverein SIA
The Management magazine provides architecture and engineering executives six times a year with the latest knowledge in organization, leadership, human resources, finances, marketing and law.
Free AppInteressieren Sie sich für die Löhne von Architekten, Landschaftsarchitekten, Ingenieuren, Umweltfachleuten, Kultur- und Vermessungsingenieuren und Gebäudetechnikingenieuren?siaPay ermöglicht es Ihnen, Löhne abzurufen und ein Benchmarking für die...
$8.95siaFee calculates the fees for the planning services of architects, civil engineers, mechanical, electrical and building technology engineers according to time module, as described in the SIA performance and fee modules 102, 103, 105 and 108 edition...
$6.63Swiss Squares – discover Switzerland's squares with Augmented RealityYour mobile guide to the cities' building culture giving you a new perspective on the use of living spaceSquares are building culture – that is the motto of the new app by the Swiss...
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