Schroder Investment Management Ltd. - Android Applications by Schroder Investment Management Ltd.
The Power of Performance Middle East mobile app puts our event at your fingertips.- Access location, speaker and session information.- Interact with a real-time feed of all event activity.- Post questions and provide feedback before, during and after...
Free AppOne great application for any event, meeting or presentation.Developed to provide businesses with the features and flexibility to meet a host of requirements with a single tool.Striking, interactive brochures and presentations using existing media, docume
Free App“施羅德收益祕書”幫您紀錄重要配息日期、最新配息金額與資訊、提供每日淨值通知,讓你掌握基金動向;全球重要財經行事曆、施羅德最即時的投資研究,還有重要訊息自動通知服務,幫助您輕鬆掌握全球財經風向球,投資更篤定。重要功能:-配息行事曆:提供施羅德基金配息相關日期,清楚紀錄基準日、配息日與除息日,不錯過每次收益投資的機會。-直接查詢配息資訊:點選配息相關日期,即可查詢最新配息資訊與歷史配息紀錄,還可預覽未來配息行事曆。-基金資訊即時通知:將欲追蹤的基金並加入自動通知服務,即可收到最新配息資訊以及每日淨值通知,掌
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