
Scan published 2 applications on Google Play, 495,866 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.13!

QR Code Reader by ScanQR Code Reader

Rated 4.02(493,667) — Scan

HOW THE APP WORKSTo scan a QR code or barcode simply open the app, point the camera at the code, and you’re done! There is no need to take a photo or press a button. The app will automatically recognize any code your camera is pointing at.When scanning...

Scan - QR and Barcode Reader by ScanScan - QR and Barcode Reader

Rated 4.23(2,199) — Scan

HOW THE APP WORKSTo scan a QR code or barcode simply open the app, point the camera at the code, and you’re done! There is no need to take a photo or press a button. Scan will automatically recognize any code your camera is pointing at.When scanning...
